So the topic of names comes up frequently in the circles I frequent. If you are a student of the word, you can understand from the reading of scripture that God Himself places a high value on names. This is why the meaning of a name is often given throughout scripture. I want to illustrate the principle of the power of names as seen in Dan. 10:13(Michael and the prince of Persia) and Eph.6:12. I live in Richmond, Virginia, the former capital of the Confederacy. Being such a rich area of Civil War history, there are many historic names for sections of the city. One name in particular stands out to me. There is an area called The Devil’s Half Acre. It is known to be the landing point for slave ships and holding cells for slaves awaiting auction. However, this particular area is known to have at least 1 killing a week if not more. I raise this illustration to point out the fact that there are “princes of the air”, or territorial spirits that have control over areas. One of the areas that I see the American church falling down in is this area of spiritual warfare. If you contrast the American Protestant church world with churches in Latin/South America and Africa, we can see a stark difference in the approach to the topic. Churches in Latin/South America and Africa deal with the subject of demons and spiritual warfare very differently than does the American church. Those nations/countries are known for having heavy activity in the demonic, so when there are churches birthed, there is a much stronger emphasis on deliverance and true spiritual warfare. They understand that demons can have some authority over whole cities/territories and will pray/war accordingly. We in the church in America would do well to learn from these churches in this area. Stay tuned for more on the subject.
What’s In A Name?